Monday, 20 June 2016

27 advice enables you to master anything

There is still considerable debate about whether people are born with an innate talent, or they develop their talent through intensive training and practice.

Robert Green says in the book "Mastering - Mastery" that all human beings can success and overcoming failure and difficulties, with discipline and take concrete steps toward the goal that anyone can become great.

Over Greene in his book on the conduct of many of the historical geniuses, and his interviews with many accomplished contemporaries, and put us - through his long experience in psychology - Steps group anyone can follow to become proficient research.

Must thank Robert Green on his wonderful book and allowing him to take the excerpts.

Step One: Find your mission in life.

The first step is to trust yourself and define your career based on what you are special in it. Leonardo da Vinci did not suddenly become an artist, but he walked behind the curiosity of his childhood and the result we have seen an artist genius.

Rather than engage in a crowded field of competition, choose a path where you can excel
Neuroscientist legendary Vilaynor Q. Ramachandran was a professor of psychology someday but he was not satisfied with it. When the study began in the phantom limb and diseases of the mind disorder, many questions about consciousness and the mind finds attracted to this area and raised his curiosity to this day.

Select the appropriate domain for you, and be distinctive in it.

Rebellion against the wrong track, and use that anger will motivate you.
Mozart was a child prodigy on the piano, and at an early age his father took him and toured in Europe to review the talent of his son. But he also has a unique talent in music composition and it was this area is the one who excelled in it.

Often we are drawn to the wrong things, whether money or fame or to please someone.

Love your specialty from the beginning.

Things that were surprise you when you were a child, it is a message for you about what it is supposed to do. For Marie Curie, it happened when she was wandering in the laboratory of her father and was surprised with its tools

Step Two: Get the appropriate practical training.

Charles Darwin was an ordinary student, and when he got the chance to join an exploratory trip to the Americas, it was what he saw on the trip is the beginning of his career, and led to the production of one of the most influential theories over the centuries.

We grow from a young age, and we depend on others, but experiment and exploration are what they can alter our lives for the better and Asla us to the constitution.

You deep observation, and practice constantly, and test yourself.
Note deeply You do not have to win people's admiration, you just have to watch them and observe and understand what they are doing and then you can beat them.

Practice, and then practice, then practice.

The minds ready to acquire any skill but superiority which, through practice and repetition, and this is one of the reasons it's impossible to forget how to ride a bike.

test yourself

You never know if you are proficient or not even test it. Test yourself always up to learn properly.

Mark priority over learning to get the money, so do not be captive to the views of others.
Rather than get a job more profitable and consume more time, I worked Martha Graham in teaching salary weak in order to have enough time to train and develop innovations in the field of dance, inciting influence in this art is equivalent to the impact of Picasso in the field of painting.

Training and learning and supervision do not come from the top jobs in the salary and working pressure. Such jobs lead you to walk in a limited way, trying to please others.

Be humble in order to really learn.
Daniel Everitt is a talented specialist in languages, he failed to learn the tribe in the Amazon Alberaha language. I've failed to handle it in terms that a specialist in languages ​​and Christian missionary, treated on the basis of excellence. Everett was not able to master the language until he learned like a tribe and children who feel the need to support them.

Entry into a new field or a new place needs to know as much as possible as soon as possible, but the feeling of superiority holding it up.

Trained intensively, resisted and endure the pain.
Bill Bradley basketball player famous, he was fit for the game in terms of length only, was slow was not well in the jump he did not have the sense of the game. Has been training for three hours after the end of the school day, and on weekends, put the weight in his shoes, he fainted his eyes trained on the Shuffle without seeing the ball, it was all just the beginning for him.

Intensive training with resilience can be more effective than learn easily.

Relied on trial and error more than anything else.
I always had a lover Paul Graham of the computer, have been found in the end he learned by solving problems and failures and try again, but he did not learn by teaching one to him. This experience eventually led to the establishment of YCombinator company which supports entrepreneurs so that they can succeed as he succeeded.

At the moment, no formal apprenticeship adequately systems, so you have to learn on your own unique style suits you.

Step Three: Take advantage of the experience of someone witty

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